The Varigence Blog
Combining DBT with BimlFlex
During our travels, we are regularly asked how BimlFlex compares against DBT. Our BimlFlex data solution automation framework would be compared against all our competitors, of course, but DBT is the odd one out in this case. It is worth covering this in detail. This is because BimlFlex and DBT are not really competing. In fact, they can complement each other.
Dev Diary - Initial Extension Points added to Mapping Data Flows
As part of ongoing improvements for our Mapping Data Flows feature, we are adding the first (of many) extension points.
Dev Diary - Embracing the new Azure Data Factory Script Activity
Varigence has moved fast to adopt the new Script Activity feature in Azure Data Factory.
Dev Diary - Pushing down data extraction logic to the operational system environment
For the upcoming 2022 R2 release, we have added a pushdown extraction feature which in some scenarios optimizes the integration of data into the data solution.
Upcoming Business Modeling webinars
We believe Business Modeling is a feature that is core to delivering lasting and manageable data solutions. To promote, explain and discuss this feature -and the planned improvements- we have organized a number of webinars.
Dev Diary - Customizing file paths for Delta Lake
It is now possible to configure specific directory structures for your Delta Lake using BimlFlex.