The Varigence Blog
Dev Diary - Using Mapping Data Flow Parameters to dynamically use BimlFlex metadata
Data Flow Mappings for Azure Data Factory allow a large degree of parametrization, which is important to strike a good balance between generating dynamic content and managing schema change.
Dev Diary - Deploying Biml-Generated ADF Data Flow Mappings
BimlStudio can translate Biml into Data Flow Mappings, and this post looks into the deployment and results in Azure Data Factory.
Dev Diary - Generating ADF Data Flow Mapping using Biml
In this first dev diary post we show the basic Biml syntax to create Data Flow Mappings for Azure Data Factory
Delta Lake on Azure work in progress – introduction
In this development blog series, we explain how inline data sources and Delta Lake in particular will be supported in BimlFlex
Important BimlFlex documentation updates
Important documentation updates on our BimlFlex reference documentation
Introducing the BimlFlex Community Github Repository
We have rebranded the 'BimlCatalog' public open source repository on Github to BimlFlex Community.